How to use commands in Survival Time


Plugins and Commands

This server is run on Spigot, which means it can be modified to add additional features and functionality that a regular Vanilla Minecraft server would not have. These features come in the form of plugins. Each plugin is different, and some require you to use a command to experience them. Others are automatic.

Below is a comprehensive table (that will be updated) that includes all of the Plugins/Features of the Survival Time server that every player has access to.

Plugin Description Usage
MCMMO The goal of mcMMO is to take core Minecraft game mechanics and expand them into add an extensive and quality RPG experience. Currently, mcMMO adds fourteen unique skills to train and level in.

/mcstats - Gives you an overview of your level

/(skillname) - Gives an overview of the skill level you have for a given skill, and its perks.

/mcmmo help - Gives extensive help on every command MCMMO has to offer


This plugin is the main way you make money on the server! It allows you to join a job (woodcutter, miner, builder, enchanter, etc...) that makes you money the more you perform tasks relating to the job.

You are only allowed a maximum of 3 jobs! If you leave a job, you lose 30% of the levels you gained in that job

/jobs help - Gives extensive help on every command Jobs has to offer

/jobs join - opend the Jobs GUI that gives you information on jobs, as well as lets you join them!


Allows you to quickly create shops to buy, sell, or barter items seamlessly, without the hassle of a GUI or commands!

You can only create shops in designated shop areas (found near spawn) that you can buy with in-game money

See this Tutorial Video on how to create shops.

For help on buying shop areas in game, use /areashop help in game, or ask a staff member. These areas can be found near spawn!


Lets you join PvP arenas and fight for objectives with friends!

PvP arenas created with this plugin are designed so that you do not lose any items or experience that you have earned in the survival world when you join them

Don't start a game unless everyone has joined, otherwise the game will need to be finished before others can join again!

/pa list - Gives a list of the currently available PvP arenas (ctf = Capture the Flag, tdm = Team Death Match)

/pa (arena name) - Lets you join a PvP arena where you pick your class and fight for Red or Blue!

/pa leave - Lets you leave the PvP arena


Lets you join Mob arenas where you and your friends fight increasingly difficult waves of mobs till you die! (rewards given if you reach high wave levels)

Arenas created with this plugin are designed so that you do not lose any items or experience that you have earned in the survival world when you join them

Don't start a game unless everyone has joined, otherwise the game will need to be finished before others can join again!

/ma join mobarena - Lets you join the MobArena Lobby where you chose your class and go in to battle!

/ma spec mobarena - Lets you spectate people currently fighting in the Mob Arena!

/ma leave - Lets you leave the Mob Arena

Money This plugin allows players to have a money balance/economy for the server

/bal (player) - Lets you see your current balance. If player is specified, lets you see their balance

/baltop - Lets you see which players have the most money on the server!

Trading This plugin allows you to trade items and money with other payers safely and securely through a GUI (Players must be within 15 of each other to trade)

/trade (player) - Sends a trade request to a player

GriefPrevention (Claiming & Protecting Land)

This plugin allows you to use Claim Blocks to protect land that you don't want destroyed

Your first claim is created automatically when you place your first chest

To claim land, you need a golden shovel to select the area that you want to claim (extends up and down to max block height)

Use a stick and right click to see if a certain area or block is protected

Chests in protected land are NOT protected from stealing!

/buyclaimblocks - Lets you buy more claim blocks with in-game money to claim more land

Equip a golden shovel in-game, and in chat there will be a "Click for Land Claim Help" link you can click on for further details. Here is the Tutorial that the link leads to.

Teleportation/Warps This plugin lets you set homes to teleport back to, warp to pre-defined locations, and teleport to and from players!

/sethome (home name) - Creates and saves a home (5 maximum)

/home (home name) - Lets you teleport to the specified home you have created

/delhome (home name) - Lets you delete a specific home location you have created

/home bed - Lets you teleport to your bed if you have slept in one and it is not destroyed or obstructed

/warp list - Lets you see a list of places you can warp to

/warp (destination) - Lets you warp to a destination

/spawn - Brings you back to the server spawn building

/tpa (player name) - Sends a request to another player asking if you can teleport to them (if they accept, you tp to them)

/tpahere (player name) - Sends a request to another player asking them to teleport to you (if they accept, they tp to you)

/back - Teleports you back to the previous location you teleported away from

Lockette (Locking Items) This lets you lock doors, chests, and more, simply by using a sign!

To protect a chest/other item, place a sign on it with the first line reading [Private] and the rest of the lines reading the players' names you want to have access to it

Right click your private sign and use /lockette (line #) (user) to add a user to your private sign

Plotsquared (Creative World)

This plugin allows you to claim plots and build to your hearts content in a creative-mode-only world (You can use WorldEdit here!)

You may only own 8 plots at one time!

/plot auto - Automatically claims the first available empty plot for you

/plot home - Lets you teleport to your plot in the plotworld.

/plot claim - Claims the plot you are standing/hovering on if it isn't already claimed

/plot delete - Deletes and unclaims the plot you are standing/hovering on if you own it

/plot merge - Merges your plot with an adjacent plot that you are facing (both plots must be owned by you)

/plot help - Gives extensive help on every other command Plotsquared has to offer


This plugin lets you create huge structures in a matter of seconds. Using the wand tool, right click a block to set the first position, and left click another block to select the second position. Everything within you selection can now be WorldEdited! (It is highly advised that you look at YouTube tutorials or Google if you have never used Worldedit before to avoid disaster)

**Worldedit can only be used in the plot world (see Teleportation and Plots)**

//wand - Adds the WorldEdit wand to your inventory/hand

/worldedit help - Extensive help on the many commands of WorldEdit

Silk Spawners Ever wanted to move a mob spawner? With SilkSpawners, you can now pick up and move monster spawners if you use a pickaxe with the silktouch enchantment.

Fully Automatic!

Supertrails Supertrails is a plugin that allows you to create fun item animations and cosmetic changes to your character without altering the game. You can find the perfect aesthetic with this plugin!

/trails - Opens up the SuperTrails GUI to create a custom trail

Animated Frames AnimatedFrames allows you to play animations (gifs) on item frames!

/afcreate (Name) (Image URL) - Creates a new image with the specified name

/afremove - Removes the specified image

/afhelp - Help for the Plugin

Help This plugin gives you a list of all the commands you can perform that aren't (or are) listed here

/help - lists all commands

/(command) help - gives you help for a specific command if not enough info was given here


Additional Questions & Information

If you need any more help, wait until an Admin or Moderator is on the server to assist you. If you want to apply to become a Staff Member for the server, use Staff Application button below or in the sidebar! Make sure your application is well written and thoughtful, we're looking for the best!

Staff Application

Have fun!