The Rules

    1) No modded clients or hacking

    2) No staff impersonation.

    3) Do not try to grief or obstruct protected zones.

    4) No advertising.

    5) Do not IP bait.

    6) No racial, or gender discrimination slurs.

    7) No harassing or bullying.

    8) No Spamming.

    9) No asking staff for free items or begging.

    10) Chat rules still apply in private messages.

    11) No /tpa spamming.

    12) No taking items from Creative into the Survival World.

    13) Safe-zoning is not allowed.

    14) Abusing any glitches or exploits is bannable. Report it to a staff member.

    15) English only in global chat. You may speak other languages in private message.

    16) Do not use /helpop while muted.

    17) Do not use excessive caps.

    18) Do not letter spam.

    19) Do not use offensive skins.

    20) No tamed pets in the PvP arena.

    21) Do not make offensive builds or banners.

    22) No offensive in game names.

    23) You may only considered to become a staff member after you have played on the server for more than a week.

    23) Staff may not abuse their powers/priviledges while playing survival. If they do, they may be demoted, or banned if they violate rules.